Monday, November 26, 2012

Oh what a month it has been!

Holy cow! Has it really been over a month since my last post?  First there was the end of flag football season, then all the fall class parties, then Halloween, then we had a garage sale, then we all got sick, then trips to a fish hatchery and a local Civil War battlefield, then Thanksgiving and whew.  Now I can finally relax.  Wait.  Now it's time to gear up for Christmas.  Ah!  Stop the madness!

Actually, I'm really excited about this year.  Our kids each get only three gifts because that's all baby Jesus got.  And their gifts this year have taken a lot of thought but will be well worth it.  More on that to come.

I have all sorts of ideas of things to blog about - the time Lavahead cussed me out, the time I had stitches and a cast from two different accidents growing up, there are so many stories but right now I really just want to buy myself some new jammies online so I'm not the only one not getting new jammies on Christmas Eve.  So here are a bunch of photos from the past month to tide you over until I can post again.  Hopefully in a few days this time, not weeks.
At the fish hatchery

At Winnie-the-Pooh's fall party

Making signs for the garage sale

Three generations at the Thanksgiving lunch

Salsa loves having her back scratched - takes after her Daddy

Lavahead getting his shirt signed by a parachuter at the Cub Scout campout

At the JBU toilet paper game - a family tradition

Hiking in the Ozarks

Last flag football game - doesn't he cradle the ball well? 

My kids all love having lunch in ice cube trays - just something fun and different

Trick or treating 2012 - a football player and three cheerleaders - could they get any cuter?!

Me and my man at the Civil War battlefield

Such a fun little group to go on outings with - at the battlefield

Love Salsa's hair - we should call her Pebbles

Seeing our house lit up with Christmas lights for the first time ever

Camping out in the living room under our ginormous tree - another family tradition


  1. Love all the pictures! Salsa getting her back scratched cracks me up. :D
    Hiking in the Ozarks is one of the perks of fall in this area. We're going hiking this weekend-- Dec 1, when it's supposed to be up to 70 degrees!
    I hope you share your other stories soon, too! And that December is a calmer, relaxing month for you. :)

  2. adorable pictures! Abigail loves her back scratched too. It's a nightly ritual to help her sleep silly sweet girl.
