Monday, October 15, 2012

Manic Monday

6:41am - Nick wakes me up in a panic because we've overslept half an hour. He gets the two big kids up for school then hops in the shower while I wake up sweet Salsa who's been sleeping with us since 1am. She nurses and I pray for sanity today because I slept through my quiet time and know it's gonna be a crazy day.

7:55am - All four kids are dressed and in the car. That is a miracle in itself. We share prayer requests on the drive to school. I really need to get a list of the kids' classmates because I think we've been praying for the same friends over and over. 

9:25am - Driving home after the grocery store and post office errands, I'm starting to regret ever playing my favorite song for the kids. Now my 3 year old is addicted to Eternal Flame by The Bangles. It just doesn't sound right hearing her belt it out for the hundredth time. 

10:12am - Dropping little girls off at my folks' house so I can meet with Lavahead's teacher.  

12:08pm - Learned a new way to subtract and some fun ways to help my son read faster. Cool! Actually stopped to smell the roses on the way back in to the house. Nice. Now having lunch with the girls and my folks. 

1:34pm - Girls are napping and I'm making homemade bread and homemade chicken noodle soup. It calls for a bunch of seasonings. I question the recipe but decide to follow it.

2:36pm - Actually sitting down! Enjoying a bit of chocolate while I respond to some church emails.

2:54pm - Yikes! Time to get the kids already! I grab the gymnastics bag, throw snacks in the car, get the meal for a sick friend and her family packed and in the car, get the girls up and bottoms cleaned, and jump in the car. Now I'm 12 minutes late, can I make it up in driving? Not likely.

4:43pm - Pooh Bear has a freak-out moment in gymnastics. She needs a hug but that means both little girls are left upstairs in the viewing area and don't like being away from me. Now I have three girls crying throughout the gym and a big brother trying to help but some lady's fussing at how he's taking care of the little two while I comfort Pooh Bear. Grrrrr.

5:11pm - We get to see Daddy for 5 whole minutes while we're home for a quick dinner and he changes into his den leader uniform. I'm 0 for 4 with the kids on dinner. Nobody likes the new soup recipe, not even me. Make notes in the cookbook then back in the car to drop Lavahead off at cub scouts. In the car I promise everyone a bowl of cereal before bed.

6:20pm - Try to get the girls to check out a furry black caterpillar in the front yard but it really just weirds us all out and we go back inside.

7:39pm - Trying to get everyone in bed with a smile on my face. 

8:22pm - Still trying. Still smiling. Thank you Lord.

8:48pm - Still trying. Not smiling so much.

9:28pm - The three big kids are asleep. Salsa is crying. Again.  She's having a hard night. Or is that a hard week? Month?? 

9:34pm - Finally alone with Nick. Time for some chocolate and baseball playoffs then an early bedtime. Salsa will probably be joining us shortly so I need to sleep now before I get two little feet lodged in my ribs for a few hours.

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